Software: Download PrusaSlicer Torrents

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PrusaSlicer A software solution for 3D printing. PrusaSlicer is an open-source slicing software developed by Prusa Research, the company behind Prusa3D printers.

Key Features of PrusaSlicer

Free and open-source: PrusaSlicer is based on Slic3r by Alessandro Ranellucci an open-source slicing software. This allows the community users and a team of developers in Prusa Research to access and modify the source code for continually adding new features.

User-Friendly Interface: The software provides a user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced users. It offers a straightforward workflow for importing 3D models, configuring print settings, and generating G-code for printing.

Color painting and change: Prepare prints with color changes directly in PrusaSlicer. Slide the print preview screen to instantly see exactly how a model will look with color-change. Coloring an object for multi-material printing with just a handful of clicks with the smart fill and brushstroke tools.

Customizable Supports: The software allows users to generate custom support structures for their 3D prints by painting them directly on the model. This can be crucial for handling overhangs and complex geometries.

Compatibility with Prusa Printers: PrusaSlicer is specifically designed to work seamlessly with Prusa 3D printers and provides 180+ tested and auto-updated profiles for the most popular filaments and resins.


New Feature: Hybrid Torrents

Hybrid torrents support the BitTorrent V1 and V2 protocol. Its support is not well spread out yet so we recommend that you still use v1 (aka the "torrent" column).

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