Debian is a Unix-like operator system consisting entirely of free software. It's stable branch is the most popular edition for personal computer and network servers and is used as the basis of many other distributions.
Fun fact, all the major version names are based on the movie Toy Story.
Debian is an operating system known for its stability and reliability. It is suited for a wide range of devices including laptops, desktops, servers, single board computers (like Raspberry Pi), mobile devices, and routers.
It is also available on multiple CPU architectures including amd64, i386, multiple versions of ARM and MIPS, POWER7, POWER8, IBM System z, RISC-V.
Many popular Linux distributions use Debian as their base for software. Distributions such as Ubuntu, Knoppix, PureOS, SteamOS, and Tails to only name a few.
Debian proves its reliability every day in thousands of real world scenarios from laptops to super colliders, stock exchanges, and the automotive industry.
The packages use the deb format which is well known for its high quality. Debian as over 59 000 packages ready to be installed.
New Feature: Hybrid Torrents
Hybrid torrents support the BitTorrent V1 and V2 protocol. Its support is not well spread out yet so we recommend that you still use v1 (aka the "torrent" column).