SuperTux is an open-source single player classic 2D jumping run sidescroller game in a style similar to the original Super Mario games from Nintendo.
Tux and Penny were out having a nice picnic on the ice fields of Antarctica. Suddenly, a creature jumped from behind an ice bush, there was a flash, and Tux fell asleep!
When Tux wakes up, he finds that Penny is missing. Where she lay before now lies a letter:
Tux, my arch enemy! I have captured your beautiful Penny and have taken her to my fortress. The path to my fortress is littered with my minions. Give up on the thought of trying to reclaim her, you haven't got a chance!
Tux looks and sees Nolok's fortress in the distance. Determined to save his beloved Penny, he begins his journey.
Source: SuperTux's GitHub repository
SuperTux is a classic 2D jump 'n' run sidescroller game similar to the Super Mario Bros series from Nintendo. In SuperTux, the hero this Tux, the mascot of the Linux kernel.
The game contains 9 enemy types with 26 playable levels. Both keyboard and joysticks/gamepads controls are supported. The default control map can be change via the Options menu.
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